Thursday 1 March 2007

Favourite Films

One of mine is 'It's A Wonderful Life', starring James Stewart and thanks to conductor 71 i am reminded. Directed by Frank Capra this movie flopped at the box office after it's release in 1946. It's a melnacholic tale of George Bailey from Bedford Falls who has decided upon sucide - I am sure you all know the story. It also starred Donna Reed.

The film only became a hit in the 1970's after TV networks put it on their Christmas programming.

It is schmaltzy and sentimentally sweet, and, admittedly, very sugray, but behind this there is a morality tale. James Stewart character George Bailey, being slowly ruined by ruthless tycoon Henry F. Potter, played by Lionel Barrymore, wishes he had never been born. An angel, Clarence, trying to earn his wings, shows him what it would have been like, and Bailey realises that he has stay and fight and not give up.

He finally defeats Potter and everyone lives happily ever after of course, I love it

David G


Axel Fraoch said...

Can’t type too much – you’ll be happy to hear -in too much pain, but -

Used to like this film (“Zoo Zoo’s petals!!”) but these days I find I just want to punch Frank Capra’s teeth in whenever I see it.….erm…ahem…..that probably says more about me than the film however….

It’s a great film. Conductor 71 likes it too!

Currently watching Aliens from my sick bed (well couch)-
"Heh Vasquez, ever been mistaken for a man?"
"No, have you?"
"Vasquez! You're just too bad!"


Axel Fraoch said...

Maybe it’s time I put my money where my mouth is and coughed up one of my favourite films? Here goes.

Buster Keaton’s silent masterpiece, The General (1926). Keaton is God to me, and I adore this film.

Shall I expound its virtues, as I see them?
Seriously don’t mind if people want to disagree with me!!!
