Wednesday 28 February 2007

The Writing of Darker Killingbeck

Because I am feeling a bit weary tonight, I simply wanted to take five minutes from writing to enjoy a change of pace. I did not intend to write anything tonight for the blog, though I have been writing for the last hour. However, I wanted to make a couple of notes with respect to Darker Killingbeck.

The land I describe in this third part is a landscape, of course, I have experienced and am in fact familiar with. Oh yes I have been out there in the dark walking off hills and along those roads.

But much more exciting is my use of a well remembered quote from the wonderful Christopher Marlowe. As my protagonist stands at the top of another steep hill - my life feels like it has been a series of steep hills - he is suddenly aware of the night on his shoulders and the stars clinging to the sky.

I hope you enjoy part 3 of the story, my little humble homage to the incredible Italo Calvino - can I urge you to read this writer? I am about to read his commentary The Uses of Literature, but, of course, you guys read what you want.

The Road To Darker Killingbeck -Part Three 'The Stranger In The Mirror.' Coming Soon!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Darker Killingbeck, Susan recommends I read this so I shall have to trip, trip, trip, back to the archives, blow dem cobwebs and take it all in yall.

Daniel Keep the faith bro