Wednesday 14 February 2007

I was listening to Hard-Fi the other night and the song Cash Machine, it reminded me of when I was at uni with Sergio. He always made me laugh, a great deal. I was always impressed by how he could get song titles into essays. I remember he got U2's Unforgettable Fire into an essay about Wordsworth and wrote about Walt Disney cartoons in another essay about somebody like Gerald Manly Hopkins or somebody, can't remember who. And wrote an essay on Marlowe goddammit with quotes from Cosmicomics in it and got a great mark as I recall. He always got good marks as well, for takin the piss, the bast%%d, and everyone liked him, cept his tutor who was suspicious about him.

He's asked me to contribute, so how could I refuse spelling is optional.
I like Hard-Fi in general but the words to this are great.
Go to the cash machin to get a ticket home
A message on the screen says don't make plans your broke

Have you been there, I have.
I like thr tune as well, it is, or reminds me of a march - don't know why
Another line is
Better believe it, I'm working for the cash machine
How very true. It's like we're being conned and I think that's a great line.
Of course nowadays we are older and I am wiser, that is all I am going to say.
Can I also say that my great passion is film, but haven't seen anything good to write about.
David G


Axel Fraoch said...

Hiya David,

This is a really great post but I have to ask - isn't everyone suspicious of Sergio? I know I am! He's got shifty eyes that one!

Yeah, Sergio does that to me all the time, drops song references into conversations at odd moments, like mentioning Morrissey during a conversation about quality music. Oh…no, wait…oh, I see. Just kidding! :-) Heh heh!
(Well not about thinking Morrissey’s sh**e.)
Oops! Hope you're not a fan too??!


conductor 71 said...

I have to agree with Axasha on this one - damn! - But any man who dances around with a daffodil stuck up his bottom deserves all the abuse he gets. Oh, did I mention, his music sucks too!