Friday 16 February 2007


Excellent artwork, cracking poems, stories, music reviews, and references to the Man From Uncle. But apart from that the blog seems to be heading in the right direction. You know I am only kidding...

To be honest I have been impressed by the contributions from Hayles, Axasha, David G. Pietro and El. Witty, intelligent and all of them unpaid. There are, I promise, more contributions to come. From America, and hopefully, Australia.

This week, I have been busy lining up a couple of really exciting interviews - watch this space - carrying out research, and writing. In addition I have been trying to put a project together, which I feel has potential, though it is in its early stages and we will just have to wait and see where that goes.

I was also given a really fascinating book called I Hate Myself and WantTo Die, The 52 Most Depressing Songs You've Ever Heard. Written by a guy called Tom Reynolds. It is a nice little trip around cemetery mentality and blackness with the author doing a fine job on the research and background to the 52 tearjerkers included.

Me? I have been riding trains, blissfully entering tunnels and taking part in other hedonistic pursuits, though not underwater Salsa dancing or speed linedancing - you could do yourself an injury trying a backward flip to Billy Ray Cyrus singing Achy Breaky Heart at 78rpm!

Oh, and joy of all f@cking joys, the new ATB Hearts Fanzine is now available...and that ladies and gentlemen is real hedonism.



Axel Fraoch said...

"Blissfully entering tunnels"? You have no shame...

Sergio X said...
